January 6, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Hallo!  "Pretty Bird!"

Crash and Pippin have learned their first human words, though I'm sure they speak cockatiel quite nicely.  And, it's a new year, which means resolutions.  The boys, who are all for living in the now and not worried about resolutions, told me I should make a resolution to 'play' (read train) them more.  I thought it was good.

We went back to targeting, and even though it had been over a month (Gasp, I am not as good at this as I had hoped I would be) they were stars!  They know what that chopstick means, flying off of Trev to the table to beak it to get their treat.  we brought out the ring, and worked a little on retrieve, which crash is starting to grasp.  Pippin still likes to fling to ring.

Since the trainer was just learning as well when starting retrieve, she has decided to fine a new toy to work on retrieve with...something that is new, and to follow the instructions in her book this time.  Also, I'd like to find another trick for them to learn.

So far, the boys have mastered:
target a stick
pick up the ring (but not bring it back)
go up a ladder
take ring off end of chopstick
take sword (toothpick) out of stone (play ball)
fling play ball (not sure this is actually something they were clicker trained to do, I think they like flinging the ball)

We have tried:
put on the flight harness

This year I'd like to master the two above, and teach them a few more tricks.   I would also like to begin working on other husbandry behaviors like being wrapped in a towel for vet checks, and get a scale to weight them w/ and build a perch so we can keep an eye on their weight.

Any ideas on tricks to teach them would be most welcome.